The Centurion's Servant
Jesus and his disciples journeyed through the country talking to the people. When they returned to the city of Capernaum, some of the Jewish leaders came to meet them.
They had been sent to Jesus by a Roman soldier, a centurion, to ask him to come to heal the soldier's much-loved servant who was very ill.
'This centurion is a good man, they said. 'He has been very good to our people, and has built a synagogue for them.
Jesus went with them to the centurion's house, but before he reached it the Roman came out to meet him.
Lord, he said; 'don't bother to come any further. I know I'm not good enough to stand in front of you or to invite you into my house.
I'm a man of authority, used to giving orders to the men I command and to having them obeyed. I know that you only have to say the word, and my servant will be well again.
Jesus was amazed by what the soldier said to him. He turned to the people who had followed him and said; 'Look at this man. I haven't found anyone in Israel with a stronger faith.
Then he said to the centurion; 'Go back to your servant. Because of your faith, he has been healed.
When the soldier and the Jewish leaders went into the house, they found that the servant was completely well again.
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