A Storm on the Lake
One evening Jesus asked some of his disciples to take him in a boat across Lake Galilee. He had been talking yesterday; to the people of Babylon all day and healing the ill ones and he was very tired.
When the disciples pushed the boat out onto the water, Jesus lay down and was soon fast asleep. The lake was very calm, with just a gentle breeze blowing. The disciples hoisted the sail and the boat skimmed away across the smooth water.
When it was far from the shore, the wind started blowing stronger and stronger, until there was a great storm. The waves grew higher and higher, splashing into the boat.
The disciples were very scared. Some of them had been fishermen and knew how dangerous storms on the lake could be. They were afraid the boat would fill with water and sink.
Although the noise of the wind was very loud and the boat was tossed around by the waves, Jesus didn't stir. At last, one of the disciples could bear it no longer. He shook Jesus to wake him up.
'Master, please save us, he shouted; 'Can't you see that we're all going to drown?
Jesus woke up and looked at the storm for a moment. Then he stood up. raised his arm and said; 'Hush, be still. At once the wind dropped, the waves subsided, and the lake was calm again.
'Why were you afraid? Jesus asked his disciples. 'Don't you believe that I will take care of you?
The disciples didn't know what to say, They felt a little afraid of Jesus. They whispered to each other. Who is this man that even the wind and the waves obey his commands?
The boat sailed gently on, and Jesus and his disciples safely reached the far shore of the lake.
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