Mary, Martha and Lazarus
When Jesus arrived in the village of Bethany, near the city of Jerusalem, he stayed with two sisters, Mary and Martha, and their brother, Lazarus.
Lazarus was out of the house, but Mary sat quietly at Jesus' feet listening to him, while Martha hurried about getting the house ready and preparing a meal.
After a while. Martha grew resentful that she did all the work and Mary did nothing. 'Don't you care. Lord, that Mary leaves everything to me?
She complained to Jesus. 'Tell her to come and help me.
'Martha, said Jesus gently, 'you worry too much about taking care of the house. Mary is wise. It's more important that she listens to my teaching than is busy with cooking and housework.
A little while after, Jesus had left the house in Bethany. Lazarus became seriously ill. Mary and Martha sent a message to Jesus telling him about Lazarus and asking him to come to save their brother's life.
They expected Jesus to arrive at once, but they waited for two days and still Jesus didn't come.
When Jesus received the message, he was with his disciples. 'Our friend Lazarus is asleep. I'll go and wake him up, he said.
'If he's asleep, won't he get better? Asked one of the disciples. Jesus knew that Lazarus was now dead. Jesus waited several days and then returned to Bethany.
When he and his disciples reached the house at last. Lazarus had been in his tomb for four days.
Mary stayed in the house weeping with her friends, but Martha ran out to meet Jesus.
'Lord, if you'd been here, my brother wouldn't have died, she cried.
'He will live again, said Jesus. I know he will when God brings all the dead back to life on the last day, sobbed Martha.
'Everyone who trusts in me will live forever, even if they die.
Don't you believe that? Jesus asked her. 'Yes, Lord, I believe you are the Son of God who has come into the world, replied Martha.
Then Martha went into the house and said quietly to Mary. The Master has come and is asking for you. Still crying.
Mary walked out of the house, with the friends who had come to comfort her. When Jesus saw how heartbroken she was, he felt deeply sorry for her, and also wept. 'Take me to Lazarus, he said gently.
They led him to the tomb, which was in a cave. In front of it was a big rock sealing up the tomb. "Move away the rock." said Jesus.
'But Lazarus has been dead for four days. He'll smell bad, said Martha.
'I told you that if you trust me, you will see God's glory. Jesus answered her.

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